So, you’ve invested all this money into your website. No doubt, you are satisfied with all your website’s features and plug-ins and you are certain that your current and potential customers will be floored when they visit your website. These customers will see how much effort you’ve put into ensuring that your website is impressive and so, surely, they must do business with you. Wrong!

Spending too much effort on utilizing your website to simply share information on who you are could cripple your efforts to maximize on your website’s earning potential. The goal is to move beyond information sharing parameters into a commerce and revenue driven framework. Consider the following tips on how to improve your website’s success.

Attract comparison shoppers

It is often said that features tell but benefits sell. By using your website to highlight the benefits of doing business with your company, this helps you to make a more impactful connection with customers. Some of the visitors who browse your website may be comparison shoppers who are looking for reasons why they should do business with you versus your competitors. Ensure that you are making the most of your website by including how easy and beneficial it is to do business with you and how this will improve your customers’ lives.

Your website is a marketing tool that never sleeps

While your business doors are only open for a limited period, your website never sleeps. It is a 24-hour marketing instrument that should be working for you when you can’t physically attend to your customers. The look and feel should be clean and inviting. Consider the rule of thumb – Less is more. Bombarding customers with too many pop ups and flashing or flickering content could prove bad for business. Potential customers may leave your website because of too many annoying distractions. It is also important that your website is mobile friendly and mobile responsive so that the visitors who are using mobile devices when browsing your website have a good user experience. Invest in digital marketing campaigns to increase leads. Examples of digital marketing campaigns would be google advertising, social media marketing, content marketing and email marketing. Ensure that your website/landing page is relevant and the content matches the messages employed in your digital marketing campaigns.

Calls-to-action (CTA)

Effective calls-to-action prompt potential clients to do business with you upon that first moment of engagement and helps to capitalize on all the traffic to your website. Examples of call-to-action phrases include, click to read, get started, subscribe, start your free trial, sign up for free, limited supply, exclusive access, offer ends and the list goes on. As a business owner and/or advertiser, you are encouraged to use CTA buttons to your advantage by getting visitors to submit their contact information. This allows your website to act as a data collection tool to better understand your customers, and make for better targeting and remarketing campaigns.

Testimonials and Free Content Offers

Yes, visitors do need information about who you are, but they also want to take things a step further by seeking information on who has done business with you. They want to know what the experiences of those customers were like. Be sure to highlight your success stories on your website. They will help to boost your company’s credibility.

By consistently providing free, relevant and helpful content on how customers can improve their lives, your website’s ranking and relevance is improved through increased site traffic to your website. This can be done through blogs or by offering free guides to other resources.

Learn more about how you can boost sales through your website